
05 Nutrition





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  • 全世界 1 in 5 的死亡是由不良饮食引起的 [1]



盐是另一个会引起健康问题的因素。过量摄入钠会增加患高血压的风险。[4] 此外,钠和硝酸盐含量高的加工肉类可使癌症风险增加22%,尤其是胃癌、结肠癌和直肠癌。[5]

另一种最受欢迎的调味品 - 糖,也被证明会危害健康。吃太多甜食会增加患肥胖症、高血压、糖尿病和高胆固醇的风险。[6] 摄入过量的糖也会导致心理健康风险。它会扰乱情绪,增加患焦虑症和抑郁症等心理障碍的可能性。[7] 


  • 高达 15% 健康饮食可降低主要癌症疾病的风险



  • 营养知识


  • 情绪



  • 睡眠

食物和睡眠之间有着密切的关系。吃得好,您就更有可能享受一夜安眠,并在白天更加清醒 [10];如果睡眠模式不佳,您的荷尔蒙就会受到干扰,从而降低您调节食物摄入量的能力 [11]。持续每晚睡眠不足6小时可能会导致营养质量下降、对健康饮食和规律饮食模式的依从性降低。好消息是,在发生这种情况时,每晚多睡一小时,对饮食和健康都有很大的好处。[12]

  • 运动

优质的营养提供了必要的能量来支持我们的日常运动目标;反过来,定期锻炼可以改善饮食情况。[13] [14] [15] 这些饮食上的改善归功于身体活动带来的情绪改善和食欲调节。保持运动 - 这是一个良性循环。



  1. 了解常量营养素。 蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物是饮食的基本组成部分。它们提供能量,确保您身体的结构和系统功能。健康的饮食不应限制或排除任何常量营养素。
  2. 补充微量营养素。 在饮食中加入富含微量营养素的食物是保持身体健康的一种简单方法。例如加入富含维生素D的蛋黄、富含维生素B12的牛奶、富含钙的绿叶蔬菜(如羽衣甘蓝)和富含锌的贝类。
  3. 多样化饮食、彩虹饮食法。世界各地的营养指南指出了食用多种食物的重要性。食用具有像彩虹一样各种颜色的水果和蔬菜是获取包括维生素和矿物质在内的各种营养物质的简单方法。
  4. 减少盐和糖的摄入。它们可能尝起来很美味,但这两种物质会对您的健康造成一些可怕的影响。减少摄入量或用草本植物和香料等替代品来代替盐,将带来长期的健康益处。
  5. 保持活跃状态。有规律的运动使我们的身体渴望好的食物。除了让我们寻找保持健康和继续前进所需的食物外,锻炼还能改善我们的情绪,因此我们想要好的东西。
  6. 追踪饮食营养。无论您是想记录您消耗了多少卡路里,您想吃更多的水果和蔬菜,还是您需要提高您的蛋白质水平,食物应用程序都是改善您饮食的好方法。


[1] Afshin, A. et al, 2019, Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

[2] ao, X. et al, 2021, Associations of Dietary Fat Intake With Mortality From All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Prospective Study

[3] Guasch-Ferré M. et al, 2015, Dietary fat intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in a population at high risk of cardiovascular disease  

[4] Grillo A. et al, 2019, Sodium Intake and Hypertension

Lin, Y. et al, 2020, Salt consumption and the risk of chronic diseases among Chinese adults in Ningbo city  

Newberry, S. J. et al, 2018, Sodium and Potassium Intake: Effects on Chronic Disease Outcomes and Risks

[5] Farvid, M. S. et al, 2021, Consumption of red meat and processed meat and cancer incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies  

 [6] Yang, Q. et al, 2014, Added Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality Among US Adults

Laguna, J. C. et al, 2021, Simple sugar intake and cancer incidence, cancer mortality and all-cause mortality: A cohort study from the PREDIMED trial

Janzi, S. et al, 2020, Associations Between Added Sugar Intake and Risk of Four Different Cardiovascular Diseases in a Swedish Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study

[7] Knüppel, A. et al, 2017, Sugar intake from sweet food and beverages, common mental disorder and depression: prospective findings from the Whitehall II study 

[8] Kobayashi, M. et al, 2020, Association of dietary diversity with total mortality and major causes of mortality in the Japanese population: JPHC study  

Cano-Ib, N.et al, 2019, Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Adequacy among an Older Spanish Population with Metabolic Syndrome in the PREDIMED-Plus Study: A Cross-Sectional Analysis   

Neelakantan, N. et al, 2018, Diet-Quality Indexes Are Associated with a Lower Risk of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and All-Cause Mortality among Chinese Adults

 [9] Sánchez-Villegas, A. et al, 2018, Micronutrient intake adequacy and depression risk in the SUN cohort study

Tulchinsky, T. H. 2010, Micronutrient Deficiency Conditions: Global Health Issues

Muscaritoli, M., 2021, The Impact of Nutrients on Mental Health and Well-Being: Insights From the Literature  

[10] Jacka, F. N. et al, 2017, A randomised controlled trial of dietary improvement for adults with major depression (the ‘SMILES’ trial)

[11] Castro-Diehl, C. et al, 2018, Mediterranean diet pattern and sleep duration and insomnia symptoms in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis  

Binks, H., E. et al, 2020, Effects of Diet on Sleep: A Narrative Review  

[12] St-Onge, M.-P. et al, 2012, Short Sleep Duration, Glucose Dysregulation and Hormonal Regulation of Appetite in Men and Women

[13] Al Khatib, H. K. et al, 2018, Sleep extension is a feasible lifestyle intervention in free-living adults who are habitually short sleepers: a potential strategy for decreasing intake of free sugars? A randomized controlled pilot study  

Vitti-Ruela, B. V. et al, 2021, Monitored sleep extension: a feasible strategy to improve diet and women’s health

[14] Bu, F. et al, 2022, Longitudinal associations between physical activity and other health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: a fixed effects analysis  

[15] Pavičić Žeželj, S. et al, 2019, The association between the Mediterranean diet and high physical activity among the working population in Croatia