
Plug And Play Dec2023


The recent Plug and Play Winter Summit in Sunnyvale, CA, fully displayed this phenomenon. Plug and Play connects start-ups with large corporations through industry-focused accelerator programs. The Winter Summit InsurTech line-up unveiled three key AI themes that we can expect to see progress over the coming year.

AI as a co-pilot

At the beginning of the AI frenzy, employees across all industries worried they would be replaced by new technology, and for good reason. Many corporations were openly considering implementing AI solutions that would decrease the need for human workers, thus cutting costs and increasing efficiency.

As InsurTech start-ups explore applying AI to the insurance agent workforce, they are shifting away from viewing AI as a potential replacement for agents, instead viewing AI as a tool to enhance and streamline the work that agents do. For example, using AI solutions to reduce processing time and help tackle highly complex claims.

It is not uncommon to hear InsurTech AI solutions being pitched as a “co-pilot” for agents, likely inspired by the similarly named Microsoft Copilot, an AI chatbot. Microsoft also recently made waves in the InsurTech industry by partnering with SCOR and ReMark to host a collaborative hackathon exploring generative AI and reinsurance.

As Pooja Shah, Senior Associate at Avanta Ventures, put it, “Ultimately, despite all of the hopes that we have for GenAI and AI in general, at the moment there still is a human involved. So, it’s not going to be adjuster vs. AI, it’s going to be adjuster with AI vs. just a normal adjuster.” Shah also noted that the key to reducing employee AI concerns is quality training that shows that AI is not something to fear. Rather, it can be a valuable tool for agents that may give them an advantage over others in their field.

尽管我们对生成式人工智能和一般人工智能有着很多期望,但目前仍然需要人类参与其中。 因此,这不是理赔员与人工智能之间的对决,从根本上说是借助人工智能的理赔员与普通理赔员之间的较量。

Pooja Shah, Avanta Ventures 高级研究员

目前人工智能能力的局限性并不是让人类参与其中的唯一因素。 还有一些新兴的法规,例如:人工智能法案和道德问题,旨在防止我们的工作岗位消失。 欢迎查看法再发布的专家视角系列之“人工智能和保险的未来”,了解有关该主题的更多信息。


在保险科技的整个发展过程中,社群逐渐认识到现有系统的复杂性。 整体思维方式已经从试图取代这些系统转变为融入其中,人工智能也不例外。 人工智能初创公司从过去的经验中汲取教训,专注于将人工智能整合到现有的技术堆栈中。


集成到现有系统而不是试图替换它们也具有安全优势。 公司可能会对将所有数据导出到陌生的系统中感到犹豫,特别是因为监管人工智能数据安全的法规还处于起步阶段。 相反,如果初创公司的人工智能工具集成到现有系统中,那么它们就可以提供价值,从而允许公司保持数据的私密性并在自己的基础设施上进行构建,而不必将数据转移到其他公司的模型。






Ivan Poupyrev 博士, Archetype AI 首席执行官兼创始人

Archetype AI 的首席执行官兼创始人 Ivan Poupyrev 博士表示:"大型语言模型这个词汇正在变得过时。随着我们进入物理世界,与大型语言模型将会更加分离,因为我们将引入时间维度、空间维度和行为维度。" 如果创业公司能够完善他们正在研发的多模态解决方案,保险业将获益匪浅。



了解我们的数字解决方案如何帮助您满足当今客户的期望,欢迎查看法再的 ”人工智能与保险的未来“,获取更多有关保险领域人工智能现状的更多信息。