Happy International Design Day 2021!


The theme of this year's International Design Day is about how diverse we are as humans. So to celebrate it our incredible graphic designers and artists from all over the world each came up with their own creative take on our tagline: ReImagine Life.

Here's a snippet of the submissions:

  • 2 Reimagine Life Belen Torrecillas
  • 9 Reimagine Life Kevin Hor
  • 5 Reimagine Life Adam Beanlands
  • 1 Reimaginelife post final serah boey
  • 4 Reimagine Life Design Day Jerica
  • 7 Reimagine Life Robert Mars

Sadly, we couldn’t include the animated submissions here but check out our LinkedIn to see all the submissions in their original format!

View all the designs.

What they said:

Belén Torrecillas: My source of my inspiration it was the “New Yorker” cover December 2020 which really had an impact on me. That’s why, I guess I started to build this idea in my mind from the title I would give to the piece ''The New ReMarker”. I wanted to add too many details and make a resume of what/how my/our year was.

Serah Boey: Reimagine Life to me is akin to passing on the torch to your family, letting them run this marathon of life with ease and keeping the spirit of your family alight for all time

Thank you to everyone who took part, it's truly amazing to see how diverse and talented our designers are at ReMark:

  • Adam Beanlands, Junior Graphic Designer, UK
  • Serah Boey, Digital Graphic, Malaysia
  • Kevin Hor, Regional Design Lead, Malaysia
  • Huda Mohd Ismail, Designer B2B Collateral, Singapore
  • Mohammed Ismail, Creative Director, UK
  • Robert Mars, UI/UX designer, The Netherlands
  • Petro Papucis, Senior Designer, Poland
  • Jerica Png, Artworker Designer, Malaysia
  • Belén Torrecillas, Visual and Graphic Designer, Spain